Elementary Education

  • journeyofteaching.blogspot.com
  • myroadtoteachingbw@blogspot.com
  • theroadtobecomingateacher.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This new tool can be very helpful in the classroom. As an educator I always want to engage my students by fun activities that will take them out of the typical teacher to student setting. With Go!Animation students can explore with the different voices and also use their own voice to crate a cartoon animations. These tools are fun and can be used in various ways. I think that it would be useful in elementary settings because it will keep their attention and encourage students to think outside the box. I think that it would be great for a English class, maybe creating a story based off a piece of literature that is being taught.

Wax On Wax Off

WAXY by msadele29

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun! ">

Spider Web Example

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I really enjoyed Pixton. It is a great way to implement fun in the classroom. Sometimes with teaching there are going to be some lessons that aren't as enjoyable as others and as educators we have to know of different tools that can help engage our students with their learning process. Every student learns differently so by having cool and funny ways to incorporate your lessons can be vital. I would definitely use this tool and recommend it to educators as well!

Don't Make a Woman Mad


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Day in the Life of Arian!!

Google Document

Google docs has a similar format to Microsoft Word but this new way allows for more collaboration and easier to access for everyone. (not everyone might be able to afford Microsoft office) I would recommend this if you were teaching in a low income area because of the price tag of Microsoft word but this is also good in a high income area because with smart phones and people becoming more connected to the internet it’s an easier way to share things.
There are multiple ways this tool can be used in education like going through a peer edit. (for homework), getting student opinion. Maybe pose the question to the class “what did you learn from the chapter?” so that anyone that has missed that day can be caught up as well as (from a teacher perspective) you can observe what your students did learn in case there is something you want to go back over in class.   
A weakness of the Google document is that it can not really be used in a math setting. 

Here's a sample google document on how this tool can be used.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Teaching Cursive via VoiceThread

VocieThread is a nice tool to use in your classroom because it can create a different enviornment to learc. Sometimes switiching up teaching styles can help students stay intrigued. In my voicethread I am teaching a thid grade class how to write in cursive. They can use voicethread to watch me mimic the penmanship that cursive involves. Also they can teach themselves by listening to my voice and seing me do the strokes of the letter while they practice at home. Cursicve writing helps with the CORE writing standards because it enhances the brain and fluency of writing. I would use voicethread to help create a visual along with my voice so that students can practice practice practice at home.

Teaching Cursive VoiceThread


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Educations Ups and Downs


This blog is on the political aspects of teaching. It’s no secret that teaching has had its ups and down as far as job placement, and the budget in the schooling systems. This blog has given me tons of information as far as laws, budget increase/decrease, unanswered questions, you name it politically and they have an article about it.

Helpful Pointers


This is a blog that I have been following for a couple of days now, and I have found it very informative. Going into the educational field can be an overwhelming transition. This blog has given me great pointers of what it takes to be a successful teacher. I have valued what this blog has opened my eyes to because of a lot of the comments. The comments are teachers giving their feedback on how they feel certain suggestions, ideas, technology, etc. works inside the classroom. I feel that this is a good blog to share with the rest of you guys because we are all at the beginning stage, and as I stated in my first blog post teaching is all about sharing ideas among your colleagues because at the end of the day it’s about the children, and we as teachers, it’s our job to implement different type of learning techniques to suit all students. I’m still figuring out this whole blog experience, but as I experimenting I’m finding them very informative. There is a blog for everyone, everything, every subject, it has encouraged me to possibly use blogs as an outlet for the students and parents. I would blog to show parents the highlights of my classroom and different ways that parents can help their child succeed in education. Sharing tips with parents it extremely important because education doesn’t stop when the bell rings, parents have to participate in helping their child comprehend as well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey future  teachers! I feel as though good teachers steal good ideas, and use them as their own! So let's help each other out and share classroom techniques, or just good ol teaching tools that you have learned, experienced, or created!!